The ‘Friends of Fundy’ is a community non-profit charitable organization dedicated to providing public awareness and enjoyment of the natural and cultural heritage of Fundy National Park and surrounding communities.
As the official ‘Friends’ of Fundy National Park, we strive to enhance visitor experiences that contribute to the region’s conservation and community economic development goals.
We operate two gift shop locations in Fundy National Park and boast one of New Brunswick's largest nature book offerings. We work closely with our partners to support annual events in Fundy National Park— Rising Tide Festival, Fundy All Nations Pow-Wow, Fundy Salmon Recovery, Sounds of Summer Concert Series, Fundy Circuit ULTRA and local community events—Alma Celebration Days and Alma Fleet Launch Festival. As a community organization, we also operate the Molly Kool Heritage Centre and host, in cooperation with Fundy National Park, family-friendly kitchen parties full of songs, stories and dancing.
Most recently, we were the recipient of the Albert County Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Award for Albert County Community Ambassador of the Year 2020 and in 2019 we received an ECO 360 Community Sustainability Award.
If you would like to support our organization to help build thriving communities throughout the Upper Bay of Fundy region, you can do so through donation. Friends of Fundy will provide charitable receipts for all donations over $50.